Daily News Spin — January 3, 2001 (Wednesday)

Top Stories: Diablo 2 demo, Sudden Strike Gold, Bestselling Games, New Wargame Company, Pool of Radiance screens, Xbox pictures

Xbox pictures

Yeah, some pictures have finally surfaced of this box with with a big "X" on it. Apparently these first were posted at Voodoo Extreme, and they were then asked to take them down. Joystick 101.org grabbed them before they were removed and now are showing them on their site. They're taken from an issue of EGM magazine that isn't due out until next month. What can we say? The Xbox looks a lot like a console system. Here's the link to the pics.

Is this the sexiest console you've ever seen? You need to get out more then, but first post here.

New Pool of Radiance screenshots

We don't normally get that excited about new screenshots, but this 3rd Edition D&D game from Mattel Interactive is one we're looking forward to. Click on the screen below to go to the official site to see some nice looking new screens.

Does this game look cool or what? It's turn-based too! Tell us how much you love it. Or hate it. Or don't care. Oh just click here and post a message, will you!

2 by 3 Upside The Head

In some of the best news since Brian Reynolds struck out on his own to form Big Huge Games, three veterans of old school wargaming have teamed up to...you guessed it...keep doing old school wargaming. Their web page is even adorned with hexes.

SSI founder Joel Billings, veteran wargame designer Gary Grigsby, and frequent Grigsby collaborator Keith Brors have created 2by3. The company's name is a reference to World War II games done by three guys and it is, coincidentally one of the worst names to grace a developer since Big Huge Games. Of course, we here at Quarter to Three have plenty of room to talk...

We're particularly pleased to see that the Pacific Theatre of WWII is the topic of two of their three announced games. We'd love to see a remake of Grigsby's early War in the Pacific titles. If you're a long-time Grigsby fan, click here to see that he does, in fact, look like Hollywood military consultant Dale Dye.

Comments? Jokes about names? Winners of Gary Grigsby lookalike contests? Post here.

The Year's Bestselling Games

Not the always the best games, but the best sellers, with figures and some commentary. Let's dish.

Warning to Daikatana fans. It ain't on the list. Well, not this kind of list.

Comments? Post 'em here.

The official Diablo 2 demo now available

Yesterday we had an unofficial demo out, so Blizzard got out the toolchest and cobbled together an offical Diablo 2 demo. Like you haven't already purchased this game! Sure. Here's the link to the 125 meg demo at Fileplanet.

Sudden Strike suddenly gold

Sudden Strike from Strategy First is done. From the press release:

[It's] a real-time tactical war game set in World War II Europe. Already released to the European market, the game has been highly praised for its historical accuracy and level of realism. Players are in command of American, German, British, French or Russian forces and are expected to outmaneuver and overcome Panzer squads, bombing raids, and mobile infantry units all in attempts to vanquish the enemy.

The environment is almost completely interactive, allowing for bridges, trees, buildings and other structures to be completely blown up during combat.

Well that perked our interest. Blowing things up is always good! We like how they can be "completely blown up" also. We don't want a single piece of bark left from that tree! We want it completely blown up!


Yesterday we wondered where the strange humming monolith from 2001 was to be found? Alert reader Dean O'Donnell found it in an AP story here.

SEATTLE (AP) A 9-foot-tall steel monolith mysteriously appeared in a city park, just in time for 2001.

Denny Sargent couldn't resist humming the theme to ''2001: A Space Odyssey,'' when he walked up to touch the imposing object, which stands on a grassy knoll in Magnuson Park like the movie's enigmatic extraterrestrial guardian.

''I feel my intelligence increasing by the moment,'' he said.

Dean, we're sure we have a clearance sale Stan Lee No Prize we can send you. Congrats!

Also yesterday we joked about knocking over a Brinks truck. Today it feels like the truck fell right on our heads. Yikes, we think we liked 2000 better. Dr. Science, are you done with that time machine yet? What? You said we should play Dreamcatcher Interactive's Timescape: Journey to Pompeii instead if we want time travel? That's even worse! The nightmare continues!

Click here to see yesterday's news

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