Daily News Spin — February 26, 2001 (Monday)

60 Second news update

Ok, we're getting to this so late today that we're just going to do a quick news update and start fresh tomorrow. Think of this as a quick save, and we do the reload tomorrow. Meanwhile, here's a brief rundown of the day's gaming news.

Shacknews is rumor central today with various tales about the goings on at Ion Storm. Romero's in. Romero's out. Romero gets a haircut. You get the picture. Legend's Andy Taylor, who may or may not have been born in Mayberry, updated his .soapbox file and said they're working on an unannounced Xbox game. Since Legend is developing Unreal 2 for the PC, draw your own conclusions. Eurogamer is reporting that The World Is Not Enough for the PC has been cancelled and a number of EA developers have been laid off.

Asheron's Call 2 has been announced by Microsoft and Turbine. It's subtitled "The Return of the Terrifying Pillow Creatures." Ok, it's not, but maybe it should be! Reuters has a story about Sega cutting their workforce by 300, but they're doing it through voluntary retirement. Hey, more time for them to kick back and play Dreamcast games as they enjoy their dotage. Sega's also suing K-Mart, claiming the haven't been paid for all the DC systems that K-Mart sold.

The Moon Project has gone gold, according to GAME Studios, the publisher formerly known as Mindscape or SSI or Mattel Interactive -- who can keep 'em straight anymore? Now all 17 of you who purchased Earth 2150 go out and get this sequel.

Well, that's about it. The rest is boring. Heck, what we just posted isn't that exciting.


Crazy day. Mark went to the grocery store and was waiting patiently behind a nicely dressed middle-aged fellow who was purchasing a giant bag of dog food and a large plastic jar of pretzels. As Mark attempted to make small talk, the fellow with the pretzels gave him a blank look and then said, "I can't wait any longer. I'm hungry," and then proceeded to open the plastic container of pretzels by holding it with both his hands and using his teeth to rip the top off the container, whereupon he chowed on pretzels like he had a GeForce 3 card installed in his mouth. He was getting about 60 bites per second, we think.

Other than that he was perfectly normal, though.

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