Astonishing Letters!

March 6, 2001

The designer of Shadow Watch responds

Hello again Mark and Tom, and hello Bruce.

For those of you who don't know (Bruce), I was the designer for Shadow Watch, and I have a comment on the article.

I loved it.

Obviously, I disagree with much of it, although not all of it. I also don't want to get into a point-by-point argument over it for two reasons. The first is the tactical reason. I see no point in entering a head-butting contest with a man so neurally infarcted that he believes that the brilliance of the tactical combat in X-Com was only incidental to that title's legendary quality. I'd end up looking like an elderly Klingon long before I got a satisfactory explanation of such little gems as the claim that Shadow Watch doesn't reward player progress when he includes A SCREEN SHOT OF THE FRICKIN' SKILL TREE. But perhaps I digress.

The second and more important reason is strategic. Bruce's work represents an actual review of the game. No, better than that: actual criticism of the game.

In case you missed it, Shadow Watch didn't review well. I could duck over to Gone Gold and get some statistics on that, but I've already hit my quota on antidepressants today. But the vast majority of the reviews took the game to task for either being turn-based, 2D, or in most cases both. Now perhaps it's my own background as a reviewer, or possibly just normal mammalian brain activity, but I believe that you don't go to the Westminster Dog Show and dock the pups points because they're not all German Shepherds. Bruce showed signs of having actually tried to play the game and actually trying to think about it, thereby distinguishing himself twice from most reviewers.

In this, Bruce's criticism serves two points. Not only is it easy fodder for an Abnormal Psych postdoc's journal efforts, it also actually encourages discussion of the points it raises. Here I don't mean his comments about the lack of need for turn-by-turn planning in SW; we'll just forward those along to the FDA to prove that Bruce's drugs need more warning labels. I mean his larger comments about the role of story, the need for pacing, and the central point that strategy games revolve around decisions.

Bruce's article is noteworthy for raising these points, even though the framing and outcome are tragically misguided; it's like watching a remake of Lolita starring Adam Sandler and Hallie Kate Eisenberg. While computer and video games are not art, they are an art form, or at least there are rules of form that apply to making good ones, and I'm grateful that the voices in his head babbled this way today.

Also, I'm happy to see anybody mention Shadow Watch anywhere, no matter what the outcome. I also feel certain that anyone familiar with Bruce's opinions before will rush right out and demand several copies of SW for all their friends and neighbors, so the outcome will definitely be good.

It was interesting to see the three of you work together: like a Yalta for geeks. Keep Bruce around if you can; just don't let him have Poland.

Kevin Perry
Director of Design, Red Storm Entertainment

Hello Tom!

On which site can I read more of your reviews? Also bring back the Shooting Club. :-)


Marc Floessel

Hey, where are the new shoot clubs? They're pretty much the only thing worth reading on the site so it's a pity you haven't done one in a month and a half. Or did you guys give up already?

Brian Robinson

Hello, my name is Jeff Matsuda and i wanted to drop a line to say that i really enjoy your shoot club column. I attained the link off of blues news, and will be reading it from now on. I was just playing giants as well on a lan and found all the same things to be true. well anyhow gotta go, before more typos appear.



When are you updating the Shoot Club again....You guys have a great page good news and even better laughs..But Shoot Club was the best..Please hurry and bring it back!!!!!!


Hey guys,

Just wanted to say that you are doing a great job, but I'm really jonesing for another ep of Shoot Club!!!!! Is Tom still doing the column? I understand if he is busy but if not, beat him for me would you?



I could rhapsodize, but fuck that. You guys kick ass. Keep up the good work.

"You know, I heard there's a Shoot Club in Chicago now."

Wil Flachsbart

Wil et al.,

We're detecting a pattern here. Check Quarter to Three tomorrow. We hope you'll be pleasantly surprised.

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