Astonishing Letters!

December 7, 2000

Can't we all not get along so much?

You guys agree too much. I went through all your 60 second reviews and previews looking for where you might have different opinions, but I couldn't find any. When are you going to disagree on something? For all I know, you're both the same person.

-R. King

We do confess to a certain lack of dramatic tension, even when it comes to controversial issues. We both didn't like Deus Ex and we both loved Shadow Watch. The complete lack of dramatic tension must not be very entertaining for you. So we went back to the notes from our seventh grade creative writing class and looked up the three forms of dramatic tension.

There's man vs. man, which we can't quite muster. Then there's man vs. himself. We considered presenting that by digging up the angst-ridden poetry we wrote in seventh grade creative writing classes when we weren't drawing dungeons on graph paper. However, that would be embarassing for everyone involved, so we moved on to the third form of dramatic tension: man vs. nature. Mark and I will try to fight nature more often in the future to insure a certain level of dramatic tension on the website.

Starting today, in an effort to fight nature, Tom will start throwing away those plastic binders from six packs without breaking the loops. Next week, Mark is going to pour discarded motor oil down a municipal drainpipe. Stay tuned. It promises to be exciting.

Nothing but air

Why don't you guys review sports games?

-D. Marino

Because we're gay. Just kidding. Our being gay has nothing to do with why we don't review sports games. We don't review sports games because we grew up drawing dungeons on graph paper instead of "going out for football" (we think that's how you say that). Accordingly, you will find us reviewing RPGs and maybe even the occasional home architecture program.

Are those real?

I don't think these letters are real. You guys published one last week with my name on it, but I didn't write it.

-Curious in Poughkeepsie

We promise the next letter is absolutely real.

Gret name for site

Dear Guy it look like i have site that will be up there site that regular vist like toms,firing squad. Here is great piece you could how the old games that started the pc games are done over again. The game i am waith for is Starfight now that was a game or or Empire . Great Site

-R. Grunwald

We appreciate your apparent enthusiasm! As for remakes of old games, it is our dirty little secret that sometimes we prefer Nethack over Diablo II. And, yes, we agree that Starfight was a game. We think.

Neverwinter Nights in 2002?!?!?

You realize you've probably got mailbombs from eager NWN fans over wishing it will come out in 2002, right?

-Clifford Anderson

Tom realizes no such thing because he's still carefully going through email that promises hair regrowth, $50,000 in three weeks, and secret youth cream. It's all fascinating stuff that he cannot afford to ignore.

Got questions for us? Send them here.

Read last week's Astonishing Letters here.