Astonishing Letters!

November 23, 2000

So who are you guys to start your own website? There are a million fansites out there and about a dozen really good professional sites. Why should I add another one to my bookmarks when I've never even heard of you guys?

-Curious in Poughkeepsie

Glad you asked. We have no special qualifications. We've both done freelance writing for some of the magazines and websites you might read, but we're not professionals. We have never worked on a staff for any of these publications and we've never worked for a gaming company. We've never made our own games or done any programming. We're just two guys who happen to really like games. We like playing games. We like talking and writing about games. We like games we love and we hate it when we don't like a game. We're gamers, just like you guys.

We suppose there are a few things you should know about us. We're both overeducated, underpaid, and over thirty. We've both had plenty of different jobs before we came to this and we wake up every morning wondering how the hell we ended up here. Mark is a family man in St. Louis and Tom is a bachelor in Los Angeles. Mark's turn-ons are long walks on the beach, people who are in touch with their feelings, and firm handshakes. His turns-offs are people who smoke and people who are negative. Tom loves horseback riding and he'll attend UCLA next semester where he hopes to pledge Tri-Delt and major in Communications. Click here for actual bios.

Quarter to Three? What's that supposed to mean?

-Half Past Nine

It's the time we do our best gaming.

Don't pretend you don't know what we're talking about. You have to get up early tomorrow, but you keep playing even though it's past midnight. If you can last until a quarter to three, you know it's a good game. Quarter to three games are the ones that make you really sleepy at work the next day, but you still can't wait to get home and play some more. Quarter to three games are the ones we're all looking for. Hence, Besides, all the good domain names were taken. The only game-related name we could get was and the guy who had that wanted fifty bucks for it.

You might have a lot of experience as gamers, but I have to say that Old Man Murray is much funnier than you guys.

-Mrs. Chick

Yes, we know.

Why can�t you be more like Blue�s News?

-Mrs. Asher

You never loved me.

Deus Ex is hands down the Game of the Year. But I heard you guys didn't like it. What's up with that? Are you drunk or just stupid?

-J.C. Denton

To the second question, we'll plead the Fifth. As for the first question, Mark only spent a few hours with Deus Ex and was unimpressed. Tom, however, played it all the way through and hated it. In fact, he hated it so much that the website that hired him to review it turned down his review and hasn't hired him since. Click here to send Tom hate mail for hating Deus Ex.


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