Astonishing Letters!

Man tell me Will be Trasport units in WAr3?
Would be the units go itno the Buildings?
Plz Answer!!!!!


Reply Hazy, Try Again.

You wiil Built the Heroes or Find them?
Will be Transpotr Units?
Gold will be the only resoures ?
How many Terrains wiil be in War3?
wiil we can uprgate the units ?
how many times?
Plz answer!!!


Concentrate And Ask Again.

I would like to download warcraft or starcraft if it is possable pleace E-mail me and let me know how to do so. If not E-mail me telling me you cannot download warcraft or starcraft.

Thank you

You're too low in the pantheon. Only gods 100 and above are allowed to download Blizzard's games. At this point, you only qualify for a few extreme sports titles and the occasional Star Trek game.

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