60 Second Review of…

Wizards & Warriors

Tom's Review: Peruse most reviews of this game and you'll note that the reviewer obviously didn't finish the game: you'll see screenshots of the first dungeon with a row of unarmored first level characters along the right side of the screen. Immediately disregard any such reviews. This is a game that doesn't pay off unless you stick with it for the long run. It's sometimes tedious, the story is underdeveloped, and it's ugly. But if you recall playing RPGs around a table, they were never about graphics, a smooth interface, fast-paced gameplay, or even a well-told story. They were about building alter egos into fantasy superheros. This is what Wizards & Warriors does right. And yes, I did finish it.

Mark's Review: What, are you kidding? This game takes like 100 hours to play. I'll just take Tom's word for it that Wizards & Warriors is good.

Publisher: Activision
Heuristic Park
P233, 64MB RAM, 740MB hard drive space

December 5, 2000

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