60 Second Review of…


Tom's Review: "Very unique" is not grammatically correct, which is kind of sad, because that's how I'd like to describe Sacrifice. It is a bold and refreshing blend of action and real time strategy in a world that only Shiny could think up. This is one of those rare games I'll still be playing months after I've gone through the single player game. It is also - and I don't say this lightly - perhaps the best game released this year.

Mark's Review: Strong words from Tom "Deus What?" Chick. Sacrifice gives me hope about gaming. This is one of those games that got a lot of good press at the most recent E3 and instantly became one of the "hot games" that we all look forward to. E3 buzz is too often like an elderly aunt trying to plant a wet one on our cheek. If it's not the kiss of death, it's the kiss of something that makes us screw our face up in horror. Amazingly, not only did Sacrifice actually appear this year instead of being in perennial development like some other games (I'm not going to bring up Black & White; that would be a cheap shot), it actually lived up to its hype instead of being a disappointment. It's just a fun game, one that's full of just the right amount of cleverness.

For more details, read our Early Hours with Sacrifice.

Publisher: Interplay
Developer: Shiny
Genre: Real time strategy/action
Requirements: P300, 64MB RAM, 650MB hard drive space, 3D accelerator card


December 4, 2000

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