60 Second Review of…


Tom's Review: Planet Moon is an offshoot of Shiny. Apparently the really funny guys from Shiny went to Planet Moon and made Giants while the technically proficient guys stayed at Shiny and made Sacrifice. Giants looks remarkable but it plays, eh...well...let's just say it's a little spotty. As a single player game, it's fast and funny, characterized by some of the warmest model animation you'll see this side of Pixar. It knows full well that jokes about genitals are a hundred times funnier when told with an accent. Unfortunately, Giants completely runs out of steam before it's over and has no replay value or multiplayer viability without a skirmish AI. But it is still miles and away more clever and inventive than most games this year.

Mark's Review: Hey, this one's mondo cool. I didn't try it in multiplayer and experience the game balance problems Tom did (see Shoot Club), but the single-player game is great, except for the lack of an in-mission save, which is greatly annoying. The three different races you play all offer a different experience and the graphics are about as good as you'll see outside of a DVD movie playing on your PC. And it's genuinely funny, unlike most PC games, which are about as funny as a copy of Cracked magazine. If you can get by the lack of in-mission saves and the multiplayer issues, this is one of the year's best action games. Due to Interplay's lack of nerve in de-breastifying Giants, I'm actually giving Giants a rating, which is something we don't normally do. It gets 4.5 Wonderbras. Interplay, just think what we would have given it if you hadn't covered them up!

Giants — 4.5 Wonderbras!

For more details, read our Early Hours with Giants.

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Publisher: Interplay
Planet Moon
PII-350, 64MB RAM, 200MB hard drive space (Uh, you'll want more than these specs, though)

December 27, 2000

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