60 Second Review of…

Fate of the Dragon

Tom's Review: I have nothing against clones of other games. Take Outlive, for instance. But I do have a problem with dreck like Fate of the Dragon, an Age of Empires clone made virtually unplayable by one bad design decision after another. Let's set the game on various maps nested inside each other so you can never see the whole battlefield! Let's combine a complicated resource model with absolutely no helpful unit management controls! Let's confound the player with inscrutable supply rules, a squirrelly mob rule AI, and a complicated fast-moving tech tree with negligible impact! Let's throw in random disasters! Let's just substitute micromanagement for gameplay! And let's offer a grand total of one (1) different sides for the player to choose from! Fate of the Dragon, created by Overmax Studios in China, is truly wretched. The Chinese owe us an apology for this one. Someone get Colin Powell on it.

Publisher: Eidos
Overmax Studios
Real time strategy
PII/233, 32MB RAM, 270MB hard drive space

April 28, 2001

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