60 Second Review of...


Tom's review: [insert your own joke here]

Mark's review: Romero et al want to plead the Lear defense — this is a game more sinned against than sinning. It's true that gamers and the press punched Daikatana more often than a Palm Beach ballot as it continually slipped release dates. Maybe the most ridiculous moment was when Ion Storm staged a release party for the game in December of '99 and then took months more to actually finish it. I was hoping that despite the soap opera dramatics, Romero and his team would deliver a good game. They didn't. The graphics are lackluster, the AI abysmal, the level design confusing, and the game simply is a chore to play instead of being fun.


Publisher: Eidos


Developer: Ion Storm


Genre: First person shooter


Requirements: P- 233, 3D accelerator, 32MB of RAM, 200MB hard disk space


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November 25, 2000