60 Second Review of…

Adventure Pinball

Tom's Review: If a T. Rex takes your balls into his mouth, you're not dealing with an actual pinball sim. You're dealing with doinking material. You know what doinking is, don't you? Doinking is the act of killing time with some mindless activity that presumably won't take long, the sort of light to middling procrastination you get with Minesweeper or Tetris. Adventure Pinball isn't as good as either of those; whereas those games are unadulterated doinking that don't pretend to be anything else, Adventure Pinball is posing - poorly - as a pinball sim. But it's a harmless enough way to while away chunks of time in five-minute increments, thawing Neanderthals, growing strawberries for cavemen, and watering daisies for Stegosauri. Stegosauruses. Those hump backed dinosaurs. Whatever. I would look it up, but I've already wasted enough time doinking around with Adventure Pinball.

Publisher: Electronic Arts
Digital Extremes
Pinball "sim"
P266, 32MB RAM, 155MB hard drive space

April 17, 2001

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