Tags: Sniper: Ghost Warrior

Why play Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 with these high-tech rifles when you can use a bow?

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The video above details the best ways to kill people in Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3, except it misses the best method. A bow and arrow. You can get a set in the season pass for the game, and you can snag the whole package for free if you pre-order. CI Games announced the discount offer that will give early bird buyers the $30 season pass at no additional cost, if they’re willing to open their wallets before the official launch date.

Citing the “long-term investment” in the community, CI Games CEO Marek Tyminski committed to supporting the game with additional content throughout the year. The season pass will include two single player story expansions, two multiplayer maps, an exclusive in-game vehicle, a special sniper rifle and the all-important compound bow and arrows.

Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 will launch on PC and PlayStation 4 on the 4th of April.

You won’t believe how much realism Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 will have

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The Sniper: Ghost Warrior games have been decently entertaining lone-wolf stealth shooters, but they’ve also struggled to be as popular as the Sniper Elite series from Rebellion. City Interactive’s CEO Marek Tyminski explained to Gamespot why Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 will stand out from the competition. According to Tyminski, the open-world structure of their game is inspired by games like Far Cry 4 and Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, but offers more realism and authenticity. But then Tyminski shared some details.

Being [a] sniper is much more than just sniping. You are a one man army. You are part spy, part sniper, but you also partake in close-quarters combat using assault rifles.

Eye-rolling Hollywood misconception aside, what’s the realistic story going to be?

Right, you are John North and you’re in the country of Georgia. You’re there because you have your orders, but at the same time, it’s personal. Your brother turns out to be your biggest enemy in the game.

It’s personal. Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 is scheduled to launch on January 27th.