Tags: Madden

If this is how Madden NFL 15 markets to the kids, I can’t wait to see its mid-life crisis

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By now you’ve probably seen the bonkers YouTube advertisement for Electronic Arts’ Madden NFL 15. If you haven’t, check it out because it’s three minutes of absolute crazy. It starts with Kevin Hart and Dave Franco’s Madden rivalry and before it ends, there are DJ bears, Conway warbling in a silver dress, and a house fire. While it may appear to be nothing but a self-indulgent mess, EA Sports VP of marketing Anthony Stevenson tells GamesIndustry that they have a plan and it will keep the 26-year-old Madden brand strong. Through polls, data gathering, and trend-watching the money men in marketing have come up with this strategy to reinvent how EA Sports communicates to the younger generation. It’s all about YouTube.

“You’re not going to attract a new audience with a feature. You’re going to attract a new audience by catering to what they’re passionate about, which in this case is football, competition, and the celebrity talent they like that are in the creative… The goal with TV and digital is we want to get a new audience who’s not going to be attracted by ‘Hey, we’ve got a brand new way to do playcalling.’ That’s not going to appeal to them. What we’re trying to do is make them reconsider Madden, as, ‘Hey, Madden’s a cool brand. They get it. I love to compete, so this might be something for me.'”

Science kids! It’s important. Plus, you get to see Kevin Hart slap Dave Franco.