Tags: EverQuest II

Skip almost everything in EverQuest II

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Sony Online Entertainment is now offering players a way to purchase an immediate jump to level 85 in EverQuest II. I’m surprised it’s taken this long for an MMO to offer this since players have been buying and selling high-level character accounts for years. Senior Producer, Holly Longdale, explained that SOE is adding the so-called “Heroic Character” feature to EverQuest II in response to fan requests.

“Former players don’t want to play catch-up to Level 95, existing players don’t want to start over at Level 1 with their friends, and some players just want to get into high-end guilds and raids because that’s what they love to do. There’s been a lot of great feedback that led us to create Heroic Characters.”

“The goal is to provide a fun and easy option for existing and returning players to play or experiment with our characters and have immediate access to high-level content. And we think we’ve created a great program for everyone!”

Everyone can create a free jump-started character until October 15th during the “Hero’s Call” event. After that, it will cost real-world money to get a leveled character, but there will be a try before you buy option. SOE will allow you to check out a Heroic Character until level 86 for free.