Tags: Civilization VI

Civilization 6 on the Switch can have a tantrum just like you

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There’s a pretty nasty bug in Civilization 6 on the Nintendo Switch that prevents winning. According to reports from numerous players, the game has a tendency to crash just before the human player gets to declare victory. Like a sore loser at checkers, the game just quits when you’re about to win. Thankfully, there’s a workaround while 2K Games figures out a fix.

“A discovered known workaround is to declare war on the Civilization that is causing the crash right before you end your turn.”

There’s your solution for now. Crash out, then reload and declare war on the civ that caused the crash. You’ll feel the sting of the AI’s tantrum, but you’ll get to rub it in Civilization 6’s face eventually.

If you thought the Civilization VI Deluxe Edition content wasn’t great, you’re not alone

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The Digital Deluxe Edition of Civilization VI is getting more content. Originally, the Civilization VI Digital Deluxe Edition came with the game, the soundtrack, and four DLC packs. The Persia and Macedon Civilization & Scenario Pack released in April should’ve been the end of the obligation, but 2K Games and Firaxis now say they’re going to give Digital Deluxe owners two more DLC packs.

It’s important to us that wherever Civilization fans live around the world, that the Digital Deluxe edition provides a great value. We saw that prices with certain currencies didn’t live up to the savings we’re looking to deliver, and so we are excited to offer this new content at no additional charge to those who purchase, or already own, the Civilization VI Digital Deluxe edition.

The two packs coming in the next few months will contain three new leaders for African and Southeast Asian civilizations.

Saber-rattling makes a comeback in Civilization VI

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The next patch for Civilization VI will make conquest a little less painful. The Spring 2017 update, features tweaks to harbor bonuses, combat unit strength, and finally adjusts penalties for warmongering so that the political game hopefully won’t seem as capricious. On the diplomatic side, Firaxis has reduced the warmonger penalty for declaring war or capturing a city based on your existing relationship with that other civilization. Players will now get less of a penalty if they are already denounced, and much less if they are at war.

Macedon is at war with Persia. If India goes to war with Persia sometime in the middle of this Macedonian/Persian War and captures a Persian city, Macedon will reduce its warmonger penalty against India by 40%.

The developers are also reducing warmonger penalties for city population after a city capture if the city is smaller than the average city in the game.

Persepolis is conquered and its population after conquest is 6. But the average size of a city in the game is 8. So this city is 2 / 8 = 25% below the size of the average city in the game. Therefore the warmonger penalty is reduced by 25%.

The Spring 2017 update is scheduled for later this week. Just in time for the Double Civilization & Scenario Pack featuring Persia and Macedon.

You now have sixty turns to figure out your feelings on Civilization VI

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Sid Meier’s Civilization VI has been out for a few months and gotten some patches and DLC. It’s Civilization VI, so you want it, but based on some assessments, you may not be certain it’s for you. 2K and Firaxis have a partial solution to your dilemma. A sixty turn demo is now available on Steam. The sample will put you in charge of China’s Qin Shi Huang. Sixty turns may not seem like much, but that’s plenty of time for you to watch the AI-controlled units logjam into each other while national leaders bounce randomly between diplomatic states.

It turns out that you can play Civilization competitively

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Team Liquid is pushing for Civilization VI to be included in esports. Where there is competition, there’s money, and sanctioned tournament strategy videogames has been a thing for years. Why should it just be hardcore real-time strategy games? Why not turn-based gaming? As Team Liquid points out in their announcement, big-money esports began in strategy gaming, so it makes sense that the community would embrace Civilization VI’s multiplayer which includes a faster, goal-oriented version of it’s regular rules, made for shorter matches. The next time Ghandi nukes you, there could be money on the line!

Civilization VI has big changes for wonder spammers

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The latest faction trailer for Firaxis’ Civilization VI runs through some basics of China. Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China, leads the civilization in the game. The video includes some details about China’s Great Wall, that illustrates how different this sequel seems to be from previous Civilization games. In the upcoming game, The Great Wall is a tile improvement that must be built on each hex that a player wishes to use to extend the building’s effect, like a road. Since each worker unit can only improve a limited amount of tiles before being used up, (no more endlessly building farms and mines) players will have to choose between normal tile improvements and wonders. This is a major change from what Civilization vets are used to. Much like the one-unit-per-tile rule in Civilization V, altering the way wonders and improvements are built will have an immense impact on the game.

Sid Meier’s Civilization VI launches on PC on October 21st.

Fans of the unit stack may love Civilization VI

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Firaxis and 2K Games have announced Civilization VI. It’s coming out for PCs on October 21st. One of the issues with Civilization V that the game never overcame was that the AI didn’t know how to play the game. Throughout all the patching and expansions, the computer players never got any better at actually using the units it made against you. It routinely got hung up on shuffling units into ineffective positions because it just couldn’t figure out the one unit per hex tactical gameplay. It appears that Civilization VI may have a partial solution.

Expanding on the “one unit per tile” design, support units can now be embedded with other units, like anti-tank support with infantry, or a warrior with settlers. Similar units can also be combined to form powerful “Corps” units.

As long as the AI knows how to combine units effectively, this should cut the impact of choke points and ranges on individual units. It’s not the full unit stacking from previous Civilization games, but it’s a half-step back. Of course, the human player will also be able to use this feature to great effect. If there’s one thing people seem really good at is figuring out ways to break rules.