Jason McMaster

Your Daily McMaster: five games I almost played

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Like movies and television, videogames have their fair share of products that didn’t quite make it to the audience. Like Jerry Lewis’ movie about a clown that leads children to the gas chamber in a concentration camp, many games have been cancelled and forgotten. Let’s take a quick look at what we might have played had things turned out differently.

After the jump, the world could have been a very different place Continue reading →

Your Daily McMaster: violence in the machine

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There are certain issues in gaming that ebb and flow like the tide. People will argue and fret over whether games are art or if the ratings system is effective or whether or not there’s a 7-9 scale. One of those common subjects of dissection is whether or not violent gaming desensitizes the player, making human life cheap and giving birth to a new generation of young killers. I never took much of a stance on the subject outside of knee-jerk reactions to criticism of my beloved industry. That all changed during one standard workday a few months ago.

After the jump, the rat before the storm Continue reading →

Your Daily McMaster: the high price of free-to-play

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One of the biggest trends to hit gaming in years is the concept of free-to-play (or F2P if you’re hip and like acronyms). You download the game for free and then have the option of paying for some bonus or another or using an often pared-down version of the game. I’ve spent a good bit of time with a handful of these titles over the last few months and have taken away mixed feelings about the whole concept. Let’s take a look at a few of these titles.

After the jump, I choose you, Pikachu… or I would if you weren’t five bucks Continue reading →

Your Daily McMaster: Game for Cats

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I usually handle the editorial content around my house, but in some cases, I have to call in an expert like Murray. Although he’s orange and adorable, he’s also a professional mouse killer. This is his review of Game for Cats for the iPad.

Your Daily McMaster: Battlefield 3 is hell

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I pre-ordered Battlefield 3. I had to. Being a fan of the series since its inception, I felt the need to own the latest edition in all of its glory. Oddly, I didn’t feel that need for 2142.

When my copy arrived, I was in the middle of a gaming explosion – October and November of 2011 were chock full of great releases – so I set Battlefield aside. Fast forward to today and I find myself kind of bored. I’ve been playing Age of Empires III with Tom for a week straight (more on that later) and winning well less than 10% of our matches. That’s not a problem for me since I’m stubborn and will overtake Mr. Chick eventually. If nothing else, I’m younger than him, so I’ll go challenge his grave when I’m in my 80s. Hell, he’ll probably still win.

After the jump, I discover that war is intense Continue reading →

Your Daily McMaster: killing Kermond

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In light of the announcements that Kelly Wand, Desslock, and Erik Wolpaw will join Tom vs Bruces if the Kickstarter campaign reaches its stretch goal, I’m going to offer advice to those playing against Tom Chick in a strategy game. I spent most of E3 deathly ill at Tom’s house. In the rare hours I wasn’t sleeping or wishing for sweet death, Tom and I played games. This included Age of Empires III and Sins of a Solar Empire. I waged war against Commandant Chick for ownership of the age of discovery, the age of colonization, the industrial age, and even entire galaxies.

After the jump, wisdom. I has it. Continue reading →