Jason McMaster

7 amazing cheat codes you never knew existed!

, | Features

As long as there has been games, there have been cheat codes. Whether it’s a programming tool left in by the original creators or a secret meant for some overzealous fan to find, cheats are still as popular as ever. But there are still some that haven’t yet been discovered. Until now. Here’s some of our favorite undiscovered cheat codes for you guys to try out at home!

After the jump, we get our cheat on. Continue reading →

The top ten rejected licensed games

, | Games

It’s no secret that the games industry hates licensed titles. Most of them turn out OK at best and mind-numbingly awful at worst. Every now and then a game comes along that represents it’s source material well. Batman: Arkham Asylum and Spider-Man 2 come to mind. This is not about those games. The games in this article were so bad they never saw the light of day and all the information surrounding their production and release was covered up…until now. I recently stumbled across a hidden archive file full of screen shots from these ill-fated games.

After the jump, I bring them to you Continue reading →

Your guide to Heroes of the Storm in six easy lessons

, | Games

The biggest point of confusion about Heroes of the Storm, Blizzard’s entry into the MOBA genre which is playable now as a “technical alpha”, is figuring out how the game actually works. You get a vague idea from watching videos and reading online coverage, but I really, really didn’t get the rules. And the rules I did get I didn’t get very well. I’m going to attempt to clear up a few issues.

After the jump, your Heroes of the Storm primer. Continue reading →

Top 10 rejected Diablo III updates

, | Games

In preparation for the release of Diablo III expansion, Reaper of Souls, Blizzard put out a giant update that changed much of the way the game plays. Gone are the real money auction house, loot scheme and standard difficulty levels. In the new patch, you can join a clan, adjust your difficulty on the fly, and count on getting loot that is more tailored to your character. But here at Quarter to Three, we got our hands on the original update list. The following is the top 10 noticeable omissions from our original list and the one that launched just recently. Pretty sneaky, Blizzard.

After the jump, see what could have been Continue reading →

The headlines we didn’t publish this month

, | Games

Sometimes, but not often, we here at Quarter to Three have to kill a story. While we are 100% committed to you, the reader, we have to weigh the outcome of our investigative reporting and the effect it can have on the industry, the public, and ourselves. Following is a few stories we had to drop and some excerpts.

After the jump, hold the presses Continue reading →

Should you get Titanfall on the XBox One? These screenshots don’t lie.

, | Games

Recently, publisher Electronic Arts and developer Respawn allowed people to participate in an “alpha” test for Titanfall. But calling it an alpha was a load of crap, since we all know the game has been finished and tested for several months. They just haven’t released it yet so that Sony can get a head start. EA is super fair like that. But when the Xbox One images hit the internet, the gaming public vomited into their consoles in disgust. EA claimed the lower resolution textures and graphic settings were to make the download small enough for the average tester, but we shouldn’t believe all that shit. They are obviously just going to repackage Crusader: No Remorse and sell it to you, the consumer, for 400 dollars American.

In order to save you from yourself, I’ve compiled a list of screenshot comparisons featuring Titanfall on the XBox One. Please, remove children and the faint of heart from viewing distance of the monitor.

After the jump, it’s about to get real. Continue reading →

Your Daily McMaster: the great 2014 League of Legends reboot

, | Features

It’s a new year and with it people like to make resolutions. Some want to lose weight or quit smoking, but not me. I already quit and I’m one sexy machine. I’m not a huge fan of resolutions because they’ve just become this wistful imagining of what I might do instead of what I want to happen. So, this year, I resolve to reach the highest possible level in League of Legends… and I’m starting from the absolute bottom. Yes, that’s right, I’m in the dreaded Bronze V. This might take a while.

After the jump, the plan Continue reading →

Your Daily McMaster: on an everquest for early access

, | Features

I’m obsessed with early access games. From Minecraft to the new standalone DayZ release, I can’t stop paying for half-built games. I usually end up regretting it in the end, but I can’t help myself. To that end, I’ve spent a bit of time recently trying to understand my sickness. I think I finally figured it out.

After the jump, Fippy Darkpaw and the dangers of Blackburrow Continue reading →

Your Daily McMaster: start the year off right

, | Features

Twitch gives people, anyone in fact, the opportunity to broadcast and ask for donations. A few streamers even make a decent living at it. When it comes to League of Legends streams, most of the higher level players get the lion’s share of the audience. But there are always a handful of people streaming for love of the game. One of these streams that has recently caught my attention. The Twitch user HanBlades is doing a 24 hour stream for Autism.

I’m Han and I’m 17 years old and diagnosed with autism. My grade of autism has been severely lowered due to constant aid and now I can live a normal life. But many of other people who are diagnosed won’t be able to live a normal life because either their kind of grade is so high that you can only permanently aid them, which costs a lot of money, or they’re untreatable. Even if they are untreatable you can still change their life with little things! And I want to be able to give them something so they can experience life at their fullest!

So this is my plan.

I’ve searched for a charity where I can donate to so I found this site called Autism Donations (https://www.autismdonations.com/donate.php). I’ve made a PayPal donation box which is found at my stream and at the end of the stream, I’ll show that I actually donate the money. I guess you can as well directly send the money to them but I would love to have an overview of how much money they’ll actually get and if you give your LoL username when you donate, I can invite for some games to play! So for the people who are wondering, I’m giving 100% to this charity. NOTHING will get in my pocket!

I’m going to play League of Legends of course but probably as well some other games that you can suggest! League will include Ranked Games, 5v5 teams and many more!

The event will start at 9AM GMT+1 at December, 31 2013.

For us Americans, that’s 3 AM Eastern. There are worse ways to ring in the new year. For instance, Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve.

Your Daily McMaster: fun cubed

, | Features

I have a certain sickness for indie games. I buy them all the time. I’m in so many alpha and beta tests right now that it’s humanly impossible to play them all. Some games stick with me and some games don’t. My latest purchase has completely captured my imagination.

After the jump, what is? Continue reading →

Your Daily McMaster: The Dude abides

, | Features

There are a lot of things I really like about NBA 2K14. It’s such a gorgeous game and is very tight in content and design. I discover new things that fascinate me about the game at a pretty steady pace. I just added a new skill to my player and the announcers pick up on it and mention it in appropriate places. That’s pretty awesome.

However, my favorite thing about the game so far is rather superficial. I chose to be referred to as “The Dude.” During these awesome halftime shows and commentary during the game, whenever I do something, good or bad, it comes out like “The Dude nailed that one from downtown,” or “The Dude isn’t on his game today.” I want every game to call me The Dude.