Your Daily McMaster: freaking zombies

, | Games

I’ve spent the last week or so playing Dead Island for a review over at GameShark. I’ve enjoyed my time with Dead Island, but as a reviewer, you have to move on. I’m currently playing Dead Rising 2: Off the Record for a preview and it’s throwing me off. For most games, I have a specific routine I follow based on the game and situation. I’ll be back in the swing of things shortly, but for now, I’m stuck in my Dead Island groove. To illustrate my point, I’ve written out my basic objectives when playing both games.

Dead Island Groove: Look around. Are there zombies? Probably. Are there a lot of zombies? If so, then I should run, if not I can choose to run or fight my way through. After the fight, check the dead for items and cash. Keep eyes open for vendor to sell to and a repair station for my weapons. Have thoughts about dieing alone. Die alone.

Dead Rising 2 Groove: Look around. Are there zombies? Probably. Are there a lot of zombies? Duh. Change into spandex shorts and a dress. Look for a bonnet. Laugh constantly during cut-scenes. Look for orange juice. Grab orange juice. Look for flashlights and gems. Take upskirt pictures for extra PP (Prestige Points). Take pictures of people being murdered for extra PP. Keep looking for orange juice, flashlights and gems. Kill every stinking zombie bastard you see. Be a douche.

You can imagine my conundrum.
