Qt3 Podcast: Spoofychop and Wizard Wars

, | Games podcasts

You probably don’t know what Wizard Wars is. From that picture of the game above, taken by Keith (aka Spoofychop), it doesn’t look like much. But assuming your concept of computer RPGs predates the latest visual feast, and assuming you remember what it was like being a kid, you will absolutely understand the magic of Wizard Wars. Because — no joke — a bunch of museum curators understood it. Hear the tale on this episode of the Quarter to Three Podcast.

After the jump, we have visual aids, which we’ll explain as you’re listening!

Wizard Wars map 1

Wizard Wars map 2

Wizard Wars map 3

Wizard Wars map 4

Wizard Wars map 5

Wizard Wars map 6

Wizard Wars map 7

Wizard Wars map 8
