Rest easy cereal gamers, Chex Quest 3 is real

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General Mills has officially adopted Chex Quest 3. The fan-made sequel, originally released in 2008, is being re-released by General Mills and folded into the Chex Mix brand’s family of licensed products. It’s a feather in the cap for Charles Jacobi, the creator of Chex Quest 3. He had worked on the original two games as an artist, then made the unofficial third game as a passion project.

To celebrate the event, General Mills posted the video above detailing some of the history of the quirky little freebie that came in cereal boxes in 1996 and wound up with a cult following. But that’s not all! Charles Jacobi is also working on Chex Quest HD, a fancy hi-res version of the saga for newer gamers that may not appreciate the Doom engine’s chunky pixels.
