Twenty-six percent of game players are flat-out wrong

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Here’s something to mull over while you’re waiting for the level to reload in Prey: 26% of game players prefer a mobile device over a console or PC as their primary game platform. Only 7% of non-gamers even know what a Nintendo Switch is for, while 29% of gamers do. According to the Nielson Games 360 2017 U.S. Report, 69% of console gamers still prefer physical media. There’s a lot of interesting, if non-specific, data in the report and it gives a good high-level look at the state of gaming. Check out this tidbit: In order of importance, people admit that the factors that influence their game purchases are genre interest, then graphics, and finally storyline. Good news for publishers! On the bad news side, 34% of gamers don’t buy more games because the games they already own are keeping them busy, 30% say they just play free stuff, and 24% of you cheapskates are waiting for better prices.
