Diablo on the PC, 1996-2017, beloved videogame cherished by millions, R.I.P.

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Seasons in Diablo III are a way to play a self-contained character facing a unique set of challenges. Basically, an optional reset button so you can enjoy the early stages of the game all over again, without all the other hours you’ve played twinking the experience. Seasons also earn you unique rewards. When they end, everything you’ve earned gets transferred to normal Diablo III.

Seasons have only been available on the PC version of Diablo III. But the 10th season, which starts today, is available for those of us who play on the PS4. In other words, there is no longer any reason to play Diablo on the PC, where you can’t use a controller, where you can’t enjoy same-screen multiplayer support, where you don’t get all the cool interface shortcuts to manage your inventory on the fly, where the right stick won’t let you do a super helpful evasive roll, and where you have to sit in your office chair instead of on the comfy couch in the living room.

It was one heck of a run, PC Diablo. We’d remember you fondly if we weren’t so busy playing Diablo III on the PS4.
