Project Spark launches, but it will never be finished

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Project Spark, Microsoft’s game creation game, has launched. Although it’s been available for six months in open beta, the 1.0 version of Project Spark offers Xbox One and Windows 8.1 gamers the ability to create, share, and play adventures in multiplayer. Thanks to the beta period, over 70,000 game levels have already been created by players that can be downloaded and sampled immediately. Project Spark is free-to-play on both the console and PC. In-game credits can be earned during play to purchase new construction assets like sci-fi themed props and monsters, or you can buy DLC packs with real money. A $39.99 Starter Pack is being offered at launch that gives players a bundle of goodies as well as a one-month “premium” membership that gives access to all DLC for as long as the membership is valid.

Project Spark isn’t “finished” at launch – it’s an ever-evolving service shaped by the community. Several features and changes were applied during beta due to direct responses from fans, and post-release the community will be even more involved in shaping the future of Project Spark.

Full release notes for Project Spark can be found here.
