Source 2 launches and changes nothing

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Valve updated Dota 2 last night. Along with alpha mod support, parts of the game were apparently updated to the long-awaited Source 2 engine. People seem pretty excited by this. Rumors of Source 2’s existence have swirled around Valve for years. Obviously, they had to update the engine to keep with technology, so the fact that it actually exists isn’t stunning. What is odd is that Valve seems to have stealth launched it through a Dota 2 update.

Unfortunately, for people looking for new gee-whiz ultra awesome graphics, there’s not much to see yet. Because Dota 2 still uses the same assets as before, there isn’t anything exciting yet. You’ll have to dig through code to see what has people all excited. Mainly it’s a “2” at the end of some file names. Woohoo!

Rejoice gamers! Source 2 is here. Half-Life 3 should be right around the corner, right? Hello? Anyone?
