World of Darkness MMO gets a stake in the heart

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CCP Games has cancelled World of Darkness. The game was supposed to be a massively multiplayer roleplaying game based on the Vampire: The Masquerade universe. The announcement ends the troubled vampire-themed MMO by laying off personnel in the Atlanta studio and moving remaining team members to support EVE Online. CEO Hilmar Veigar Petursson expressed his regrets.

To our current and former employees and fans of World of Darkness, I am truly sorry that we could not deliver the experience that we aspired to make. We dreamed of a game that would transport you completely into the sweeping fantasy of World of Darkness, but had to admit that our efforts were falling regretfully short. One day I hope we will make it up to you.

World of Darkness had been in development since 2006 when CCP Games purchased publisher White Wolf. Development of the MMO was plagued with setbacks. In mid-2012 senior producer Chris McDonough admitted to fans that much of CCP’s resources were invested in DUST 514. In December 2013, CCP confirmed layoffs at the Atlanta studio.
