All Your Tweets Are Belong To Us: the 12 Tweets of Christmas

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On the first day of Christmas, my papa gave to me, an Xbox (selflessly):

After the break, 11 to go

On the second day of Christmas, my sister gave to me, a gender stereotyping tweet.


On the third day of Christmas, retrospection brought to me, regret about an early treat.


On the fourth day of Christmas, Santa brought to me, some socks to warm my feet.


On the fifth day of Christmas, Sony gave to me, sadness.


On the sixth day of Christmas, Canada Post Cares gave to me, no box but a shipping receipt.


On the seventh day of Christmas, my dad gave to me… well, nevermind.


On the eighth day of Christmas, my mom opened my present and started playing with it. WTF.


On the ninth day of Christmas, my dad gave to me, a twisted sense of priorities.


On the tenth day of Christmas, Santa gave to me, Emma Stone… yeah, right.


On the eleventh day of Christmas, the power company gave to me, some gaming by the tree.


On the last day of Christmas, my mom found for me, a PS4 and a new bike.



Remember, folks… Christmas is about wanting something more than anybody else, tweeting publicly about the presents that you bought for people who follow you on Twitter, and buying things “for your kids” that you really want to keep for yourself. So, get out there and want harder!

This post brought to you by Clay Heaton, former game developer, long time Qt3 reader and forum member, founder of the nascent GameAid, and current MSc student in Advanced Analytics at North Carolina State University. This is the third in a series that examines this year’s console launches through the eyes of the Twitterverse. Part one is here and part two is here.
