Who is the first owner of the Xbox One?

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Unlike Sony’s PlayStation 4 launch event gala, which was held in New York City, Microsoft’s Xbox One launch celebration has been global. Unfortunately for internet bragging rights, that means the “first official retail owner” title is a bit murky. Of course, we all know that Johnny Chiu was crowned the first official buyer of the PlayStation 4, but who owns that right for the Xbox One? Is it Dan Livingstone of New Zealand? Microsoft’s Phil Harrison seems to think so. But what about Andre Weingarten? He’s one of the folks that purchased an Xbox One at Target a week early. Target admitted that it was a mistake, but about 150 units were sold to lucky buyers then, with a few ending up on eBay. They’re technically the first Xbox Ones “sold” at retail.

Microsoft held a New York City launch event as well. Wait a minute! That guy visiting the line looks mighty familiar.
