Top ten quotes from Saints Row IV

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It’s hard to narrow it down to ten. But nine simply isn’t enough and eleven would be unprofessional.

After the jump, the things you’ll hear in Steelport.

10) “I was 12 hours into Dead Island when the Zin attacked. Now I’ll never finish.”

9) “I am far from fucking silent, mate.”

8) “Twisting Greek mythology into a burlesque? Offenbach! You are sublime!”

7) “Where’s a septic truck when you need one?”

6) “White House flags at half-mast following nationwide closure of Freckle Bitch’s.”

5) “Is this the island that pirate came from?”

4) “Wrong door.”

3) “Stay back, you vile beverages.”

2) “Like all good stories, the second act begins with a call to action and the building of a robot.”

1) “Hey Kinzie, wanna fuck?”
