Capcom executes a combo breaker

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Senior VP Christian Svensson has voluntarily left his post at Capcom while the company reorganizes. Svensson routinely posted on the official Capcom blog to reach out to fans for suggestions and to discuss company news items. He posted on his Facebook page that his decision to leave was an idea that he’d considered for a long time.

This departure is not a bad thing for me and it’s happening mostly because I’d suggested it during the early planning for today’s reorg. While I wish the company the best of luck, Capcom is going in a different direction and the need for people at my level, relative to other areas, is lacking. Those who know me well, know that I’ve been ready to go for quite some time.

That said, I’m grateful for the opportunities Capcom has afforded me. I stayed as long as I did in large part for the potential I felt the company had (and still may have). But I also stayed for the people.

Svensson said he has a few possible opportunities lined up in the industry, but he was concerned about others that had been let go during the reorganization.

In the near term, here’s where I need your help. Sadly, I’m not the only one affected by the reorganization today. Over the next few days, I’ll be gathering resumes from as many as I can and will be sending them out to my contacts around the industry to see if there’s a “love connection” to be made.

The total number of layoffs at Capcom has yet to be confirmed. Capcom employs less than 150 people in the U.S.
