DayZ shambling into Steam soon

, | Games


Dean “Rocket” Hall, creator of the Arma 2 mod-turned-standalone zombie survival game DayZ confirmed to Gamasutra that the alpha version will be coming to Steam via the Early Access program. Alpha purchasers will get the game for a substantial discount.

“From here, once we’ve finished our server/client architecture – because we’re moving it an MMO model – we’re reviewing the situation of that in June, and then we do an alpha, just like Minecraft. People pay X amount of dollars and they get early, cheap access to it, and then once it’s beta, price goes up, maybe, say, $10, and once it goes retail, the price goes up $10.”

Thanks to Steam’s recent ability to issue delta patches, Hall hopes players will use the latest development builds to keep abreast of changes and report bugs.
