Getting through Growlanser faster

, | Games

Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time is the official North American debut of a game previously available only in Japan as Growlanser IV: Over Reloaded. That was ten years ago, and on the Playstation 2. In case you’re curious why the subtitle was changed from Over Reloaded for the North American release, just say it fast a few times. Yeah, that’s what that sounds like.

With yet another SRPG, Atlus continues to show more love for the PSP than Sony itself. And the re-release has new stuff:

New characters, scenarios, and events are complemented by dramatically improved loading times and a message-skip option that allows players to advance the story at a faster pace.

Hard to believe that ten years ago, people would put up with a 50+ hour game without skippable cutscenes.
