The Political Machine 2016 has some bad news for America

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It’s Super Tuesday in the United States. It’s unfortunately not about caped heroes or gamma radiation boosted warriors. It’s when some of the American people pick their nominees for the upcoming presidential election by voting for their respective parties’ delegates, who then cast votes in the conventions. Then the people get to vote again. But then the delegates’ votes supersede the popular vote. It’s all rather complicated. Luckily there’s a videogame to help make sense of it all. Stardock Entertainment’s The Political Machine 2016 is all about running for President. It gamifies what is already an intensely gamified process.

The long and short of it is that like Madden, pundits use The Political Machine to predict The Big Game. It’s as accurate as the early polling from news sources. What does the data from this year’s game tell us? You can’t stump the Trump, unless you’re holding the general election, in which case, the Democrats are winning. This conflicting news isn’t great for either party. Gamers clearly haven’t gotten the news that they’re supposed to stick to their home tribes.
