Would you use a Metal Gear Solid V robot arm for good or evil?

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Konami is working with a prosthetics artist to create a bionic arm for a gamer. James Young, a 25-year-old Metal Gear aficionado, lost his arm and leg in a metro rail accident. Sophie De Oliviera Barata is an artist who specializes in creating personalized artificial limbs for amputees that want something more than the standard solution. Konami’s Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain features a main character that has a badass robot arm. This sounds like the makings of a documentary. Oh hey! It is. The Phantom Limb Project seeks to get James Young his Venom Snake arm in a three-part video series.

The Phantom Limb Project was born out of a desire to create something innovative, on the cusp of future technology, which would explore the themes present within the series and more specifically, the themes and ideas referenced in the latest incarnation: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. We also wanted to tell an uplifting human story of what it means to be an amputee, to feel phantom pain, to overcome loss and how technology can change our perceptions of ‘disability.’ Moreover, the story of how one gamer known as James Young, never let his condition get in the way of his passion as a gamer.

On the subject of phantom pain, players of Metal Gear Solid V may be interested to know that the latest patch allows them to get a certain silent someone back on their team that they may have been missing.
