Metal Gear Solid V’s upcoming online mode is missing the most important feature

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Where are the sheep in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain’s Metal Gear Online mode? In the video above, you can see the team vs. team gameplay, but there’s nary a ruminant on display. How will these stealthy Metal Gear operatives function without the comical bleats of balloon extracted sheep echoing in the sky? The video shows cute plushies that distract enemies, alligator head hats, and a surprisingly competent looking buddy system. Sure, you can use the Fulton device to kidnap enemy soldiers, but without sheep to harass, it seems a bit hollow. As anyone who has spent a few hours in 1984 Afghanistan knows, the most important combatants are the livestock.

Metal Gear Online will be launching on October 6th as a free update for consoles players of Metal Gear Solid V, but PC players will have to wait for early 2016.
