Want to skip a lot of Evolve’s content? Pre-order it for the Xbox One.

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Evolve, the asymmetrical hunters versus monster multiplayer game, has a pre-order offer on the Xbox One that allows access to content that players on other platforms will need to grind to access. Turtle Rock and 2K have announced that pre-ordering the digital Xbox One version of Evolve will unlock the top tier of hunter characters as well as the Wraith, the third and final playable monster in the game. Each character in Evolve must normally level up through grinding XP – at least 8 hours worth of play, going by the rate of progress in the beta. But why grind for it when you can just pre-order and have it unlocked for you when the game launches? Playing games to experience content is so last gen.

Evolve will launch on February 10th for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC.
