The Crew won’t have a review embargo, but don’t expect a lot of launch reviews

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We can thank Assassin’s Creed Unity for introducing weaponized review embargoes to gamers’ vocabulary. With its myriad technical issues, one could be forgiven for suspecting Ubisoft of having an ulterior motive when it asked sites to hold their reviews of the game until noon of launch day. Well, fear not gamers! Ubisoft wants to make it very clear that there will be no embargo on reviews of their open world racer, The Crew. Unfortunately, we may be waiting anyway.

The Crew will be available to media to begin their reviews when the game launches on December 2. There will be absolutely no embargo on any type of coverage once the game is available for sale. While we fully anticipate that you might see some reviews immediately at launch – largely built around the preview sessions we facilitated during the past months or the limited content of the closed and open betas – they won’t be based on optimal conditions or reflect the finished game.

So there you go in clear language. There’s no formal embargo. No one can review the game until launch day because no one will be able to really play the game until then.
