The other Titan falls

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Blizzard has shelved Titan. Blizzard’s CEO, Mike Morhaime, admitted to Polygon that the long-rumored MMO project has been canceled and the company has moved on after seven years of work. The next-gen follow-up to World of Warcraft was first reported to have development issues last year when Blizzard “reset” the team and started over on the core systems. According to senior vice president Chris Metzen, part of the decision to cancel Titan came from the success of Blizzard’s recent smaller projects like Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm.

“Maybe we can be what we want to be and inspire groups around the company to experiment, get creative, think outside the box and take chances on things that just might thrill people. Maybe they don’t have to be these colossal, summer blockbuster-type products.”

Both Morhaime and Metzen expressed that while the decision to stop development of Titan was painful, they’d rather do that as a company than put out an inferior game and damage their relationship with fans.
