Star Citizen zooms past $50 million raised

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Star Citizen, the galactic fund-raising machine, has surpassed the $50 million mark. In fact, the total money pledged so far stands at $51,123,228.00 and shows no sign of slowing. The jaw-dropping budget milestone for Cloud Imperium Games’ ambitious space MMO development came as the developer opened the Constellation model of starship for sale. These larger ships can be crewed by multiple players and start at $150.00 for the “back-to-basics” Taurus. If you just can’t choose which to get, the Connie Super-Pack offers all four ships and a 10-inch physical model for only $1,000.00!

The generous revenue for Star Citizen hasn’t just been used for snazzy marketing materials for starship sales. Cloud Imperium Games revealed that racing will be added to version 0.9 allowing players to compete for the 2944 Murray Cup by zipping through space-lanes. The developer also released a teaser for the planned first-person combat mode.
