The Stomping Land offers a change from the run-of-the-mill survival game

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Zombies and survival go together like deli meat and cheese. It’s good, but you eventually crave more. Everyone seems to be making a zombie survival game. With the runaway success of DayZ, is it any wonder that even Sony Online Entertainment is having a go at it with H1Z1? What could be better than zombies? How about dinosaurs? Boom! Just like that your world is rocked.

The Stomping Land from SuperCrit moves the hardcore survival gameplay from undead infested middle-America to the dinosaur hunting grounds of dark primeval jungles. What started as a Kickstarter project last year has made it through Steam’s Greenlight process and will be launching on early access on May 30th. According to the developer’s FAQ, it will be released for $24.99 and will feature a small island environment to start with. Seven different prehistoric beasties will be ready for the alpha launch with more joining the fray as development continues.
