Xbox Live games are moving out of the low Gamerscore ghetto

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Download-only Xbox Live games will have 1000 points worth of achievements on the Xbox One. The longstanding rule on the Xbox 360 has been that games featured only as a downloadable title through the Xbox Live Marketplace were limited to 400 points of achievements, while games sold through retail channels were allowed 1000 points. There had been indications that this policy was changing for the next gen console. PopCap tweeted that Peggle 2 would have 1000 points of achievements, and the achievement list for Halo: Spartan Assault showed 1000 points. After some speculation by fans, Microsoft confirmed that all games on the Xbox One will have the same achievement score potential.

“On Xbox One, games are games. All games follow the same policies for achievements and Gamerscore.”

Good news, gamers! Your Peggles, your Castle Crashers, and your State of Decays are just as good as Halo!
