Batman: Arkham Origins’ season pass is riddled with mystery

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The fact that Batman: Arkham Origins has a Season Pass offer isn’t surprising. What is surprising is that Warner Bros. Games expects gamers to fork over $19.99 for what seems to be a lot of cosmetic skins. According to what producer Guillaume Voghel told IGN, gamers are totally going to get their money’s worth.

“The costume DLC is going to be available with the Season Pass and it’s basically a bonus right?” he explained. “There’s going to be a lot of value in that Season Pass. One of the items we can’t talk about yet… We’ll just wait for the gamers to really see what the entire package contains. It’s going to be a big deal.”

Here’s my proposal to all developers and publishers that want me to buy their DLC packages up front: When you can tell me exactly what you’re selling, I’ll give your offer more consideration. Until then, you can stop wasting my time.
