Take an infantry vacation with Arma 3

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Arma 3, the latest combined arms military sandbox game from Bohemia Interactive has officially launched. The game features a new lighting engine, improved animation, Steam Workshop integration, and almost 300 square kilometers of sun-dappled Mediterranean island on which players can experience the lethal mechanisms of war. Lay out on a beach. Take in the sights. Kill the enemy. Although the game releases without a traditional singleplayer campaign, Bohemia has promised to add that in three installments of free DLC. Joris-Jan van’t Land, project lead on Arma 3, spoke about the lengthy Early Access period.

“We’re incredibly proud of the release of Arma 3, as well as of the unique collaboration with the people who joined for the early-access development. We experienced some significant setbacks in the past years, but the fantastic public response to the Alpha and Beta kept us going.”

If you’ve ever wanted to play a military sim that unapologetically lets players get shot from 200 meters away, or that pits a squad of infantry against a tank platoon, then this is the game for you. Arma 3 is available on Steam, at retail locations, and the developer’s web store.
