Getting that second Saints Row IV playthrough just right

, | Games


For my second playthrough of Saints Row IV, I have to get the character just right. But after faffing about in the character builder, I could’t get anywhere near what I wanted. I don’t know what to do with sliders for temple depth and jowl height and rear neck width and so forth. But then it occurred to me that I don’t have to, because the player community does. And they’ve probably created exactly what I need.

Sure enough, I typed “palin” into the search box and there it was! Thanks, bsnead79, whoever you are. Although I don’t appreciate that you made her so old. And why did you figure she wouldn’t wear underwear? This was a potential Vice President of the United States! Do you think Keith David goes commando? Actually, don’t answer that.

Anyway, it’s nothing a visit to the plastic surgeon and my wardrobe can’t fix. Then apply a stylish blunderbuss model for her shotgun. Now to find someplace that sells a red power suit with the skirt and blazer. After that, here I come, Zinyak. Again!
