Wolfenstein’s alternate world Nazis get to breathe easy until 2014

, | Games


Wolfenstein: The New Order has been delayed to 2014. The game was originally scheduled to release in the fourth quarter of this year for consoles and PCs. Bethesda’s Pete Hines, announced the delay on Twitter.

We have confirmed today at QuakeCon that Wolfenstein will ship next year, all platforms. Felt it deserved some additional time for polish.

Wolfenstein: The New Order is set in an alternate timeline in which the Nazi forces have taken over the world by the 1960s. The developer, MachineGames, has several ex-Starbreeze staffers on the team who worked on The Chronicles of Riddick.

If you’re chomping at the bit to show some Nazis what for, consider playing Rise of the Triad by Interceptor Entertainment. The enemies look suspiciously like extras from an Indiana Jones movie, which is good if you want to blast Nazis with a rocket launcher. The Triad troopers look like Nazis because the original Rise of the Triad: Dark War started out as a sequel to Wolfenstein 3D and the reboot purposely carried that design forward. Tom talked about the new game on the most recent podcast and thinks it’s full of endearingly dumb stuff.
