Phil Fish says goodbye and goes home

, | Games


Phil Fish, creator of Fez, says he’s quit making games and canceled development of Fez II. The dramatic event occurred over the weekend when Fish abruptly posted his goodbye on his Polytron site.

FEZ II is cancelled.
i am done.
i take the money and run.
this is as much as i can stomach.
this isn’t the result of any one thing, but the end of a long, bloody campaign.

you win.

The outspoken Fez developer canceled Fez II following an episode of Invisible Walls on GameTrailers in which host Marcus Beer called Fish names because he refused to comment on Microsoft’s Xbox One indie self-publishing program. After the broadcast, Fish went on Twitter and told Beer to “compare your life to mine and then kill yourself.” Fish was in turn attacked on Twitter by fans of GameTrailers and gamers that expressed outrage over his comment and for his past behavior.

For his part, Fish maintains that his quitting the industry was not motivated because one person “said something stupid” but so he can “get out of games.” He confirmed to Joystiq that Fez II is really canceled.
