Xbox gets exclusive The Bureau DLC

, | Games


2K Marin and Take-Two Interactive announced that buyers of the Xbox 360 version of The Bureau: XCOM Declassified will get access to an exclusive chunk of DLC. This as-yet unnamed DLC pack will be narrative-driven. Morgan Gray, development director at 2K Marin, says that the XCOM setting provides ample material for many stories.

“The alternate 1962 universe that we’ve created for The Bureau is vast and there are many more stories to tell about the early days of XCOM. We’re excited that our stories will provide a new perspective on the war effort, much like how our critically acclaimed Minvera’s Den DLC for BioShock 2 allowed us to present a unique perspective of Rapture.”

If you PC or PS3 players are jealous of the exclusive content your Xbox friends get to pay for, you can always one-up those guys by preordering from one of the retail chains offering the Codebreakers pre-order DLC. That will show them!
