3D Realms duking it out with Gearbox

, | Games


Gaming sure seems to have its fair share of legal disputes. This time, it’s Duke Nukem creator 3D Realms filing a lawsuit against Gearbox over $2 million in unpaid royalties and advances for Duke Nukem Forever. Evidence cited in the Texas court filing include emails sent to 3D Realms’ George Broussard and Scott Miller from Gearbox president Randy Pitchford allegedly agreeing to the terms of the deal.

“Even in the worst case, I am prepared to make sure that debt is repaid in exchange for the opportunity to drive the brand forward and generate profit through the development of the big ticket Duke Nukem video games for many years to come.”

Although Gearbox has not formally filed a response, they did supply Kotaku with a statement.

“Ironically, Scott Miller himself provided the best response when he wrote: ‘… filed lawsuits are entirely one-sided statements, based on knee-deep BS and with more spin than a top.'”
