Will you survive 400 Days?

, | Games


Telltale’s The Walking Dead game was a hit with the zombie point & click adventure game crowd, and the folks that like making emotional attachments to various flawed characters and seeing them die. The upcoming 400 Days DLC promises to continue presenting those difficult choices that players love to hate.

The DLC will take place in and around a truck stop near the events of Season 1, but will feature five separate characters’ stories in their own mini-episodes. Telltale says “this is not Lee or Clem’s story.” 400 days promises to make decisions meaningful for players.

400 Days will check to see if you have a Season 1 save file. The decisions you made in Season 1 will have an effect on your 400 Days experience. And yes…choices made in 400 Days will resonate in
Season 2.

400 Days will launch in July for XBLA, PSN, Steam, and iOS for $5. The PS Vita version will be bundled with all of Season 1 in a new package.
