Another chance to win valuable Path of Exile prizes

, | Games


Season two for Path of Exile starts tomorrow morning at 10am Pacific with a two hour and fifteen minute solo race. Start a new character and see how far you can get before 12:15.

In season two, you don’t have to amass a certain number of hard-to-earn reward points to quality for prizes. Every point counts as a raffle ticket for random prizes. If you just get to level 12 tomorrow and earn a single reward point — surely you can get to level 12 in two hours? — you qualify for one of 20 unique Karui wards, 5 unique Shiversting bastard swords, or 2 unique Quill Rain bows. Alternatively, you can win any of the race’s various goals for an assured prize, or you can cash in all your points at the end of the season.

Check the schedule here for details on events and prizes. Why can’t Diablo III do cool things like this?
